Some Practicalities of a Baptism Service

A baptism service has lots of practical aspects to think about, so I thought I’d put everything I could think of together here, so that I can find it all next time. Perhaps you’ll find it a helpful resource also. There’s probably things I haven’t thought of: I’d love to hear them. I’d bang them in an email something like the following:

This Sunday myself and another elder will be baptising.

I’d encourage you to watch the baptisms in this service (they start about 33 minutes in) to see what they look like. You’ll notice the person has their hands folded across their chest and up to the shoulders, and we take them into the part of the pool near the band, so they can go backwards easily.

(448) Sunday evening baptismal service, 27 November 2022 – Carey Baptist Church, Reading UK – YouTube

On Sunday I will ask these questions before you get into the pool.

[Name] do you believe in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? [I do / yes]

Have you turned from sin and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, who died and rose to save sinners? [I do / Yes]

Do you promise, relying on the Holy Spirit, to seek to follow Christ and to serve him in every part of your life? [I do / Yes]

[Name], on your confession of repentance towards God, and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and because you have requested this, we baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

I will certainly be praying that the Lord would bless you, encourage other believers, point nonchristians to Jesus, and glorify his name!

Please do get a written testimony to me as soon as you are able to, and no later than 17 May for the 26 May baptisms and 31 May for the June 9th baptisms. It would be great to keep it to under two A4 sides, I’m very happy to chat about it with you if you want help putting it together. I’d encourage you to remember those principles of ‘be pointing to Jesus, be plain, be personal’.

If you could let me know also whether you’d like to give your testimony in full, prerecord it, or be interviewed so that you just say a couple of bits from it, that would be great.

You’ll go in in bare feet. Do bring a big towel and a full change of clothes. If there’s someone you’d like to hold your towel, please do arrange that!

If on the morning service that day you’re able to meet me at the front of the church, we can chat about a couple of things, and pray together. I’ve really enjoyed doing the classes thinking about baptism and church membership with you, and I hope you found them helpful too.

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